Mudra Monday - Adhi

This mudra is the gesture of primordial stillness. This refers to the stillness of our essential being. The part of us that underlies all of our thoughts, feelings and actions. The core quality of this mudra is stillness. This gesture is helpful with:

  • Instilling a sense of grounding

  • Connecting with our essential being

  • Supporting the treatment of anxiety

  • Facilitating seated meditation


How do I practice the Adhi Mudra?

  1. Tuck your thumbs into your palms

  2. Curl your fingers loosely into the palms forming a soft fist

  3. Rest your hands on your thighs or knees

  4. Relax your shoulders back and down

  5. Take several natural breaths

More about Adhi

Practice of this mudra supports contentment and harmony within your essential being. Adhi mudra enhances the sense of stability and creates a feeling of support within the muscular-skeletal system. This may improve balance and decrease falls as well. As it slows the breath and lengthens the exhalation, the mudra promotes a reduced heart rate and blood pressure. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system which initiates relaxation and may help to reduce stress and anxiety. This is one of the most calming of all the gestures. The serenity that it produces may feel like hibernation. However it opens the doorway for the mind to naturally become calm and serene. Earth energy is activated by this mudra and its sense of grounding. It helps to balance our center of safety.


I experience complete peace and serenity in absolute stillness

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For a short guided mindful moment with Adhi mudra, listen here: Adhi

I suggest that you practice the Adhi mudra at least 2-3 times a day for at least one minute. As time permits you can increase the time up to five minutes. Share your experience throughout the week using the hashtag #MudraMonday and #MindsetStrategist on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!



Page, J. L., & Page, L. L. (2014). Mudras for Healing and Transformation (2nd ed.). Integrative Yoga Therapy.