
Crystal of the month: Labradorite

Labradorite is a mystical and protective stone that deflects unwanted energies from the aura and prevents energy leakage. It calms an overactive energies and mind to allow the imagination to be energized and produce new ideas. Labradorite facilitates the transformation of intuition into intellect. It brings together the personal self with the understanding required to realize and achieve the destiny of this life. This stone of strength can help one recognize the interconnectedness of duality and the unity of creation that underlies paradox.

This stone promotes the synthesis of intellectual thought with the intuitive, mystical, and psychic wisdom. It assists one to introduce the teachings of other worlds to this world bringing assimilation and illumination to further the advancement of humanity. These are in line with its role as a stone used for magic and divination. Despite the dark appearance, it has a rainbow of brilliant hues visible when it is held up to the light. The energy of this stone aids in penetrating the veils of the Void. The Void is the place of all potential and is the source of all creation. This stone aids the worker in accessing this place of potential and bringing into creation that which is for the highest good of all beings.

Also known known as Spectrolite, this feldspar has brilliant flashes of green, blue, gold, orange, red and sometimes violent. This family of silicates includes stones such as Moonstone and Amazonite. This makes sense as feldspar enables one to access the communicative forces of inter-galactic intelligence. They help to discover and understand previously unidentified messages from within and without of the self.

I chose labradorite as the energy was calling to me bridge the possibilities with what can actually be created in the here and now. I also believe that this stone chose me as I needed to uncover and release subconscious belief patters that were generating unpleasant emotional states. This was necessary in order for me to be able to become more aware of my own magic (mental and intuitive abilities). This stone revealed itself to me to help me release patterns that did not serve me and to further support the enhancement of my abilities. I regularly sleep with labradorite under my pillow as seen below with selenite, howlite, amethyst and unakite.

More info on Labradorite

AFFIRMATION: I call forth the magic of higher awareness

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo





You can purchase labradorite pieces online from JaniceB. If you are in the DC metropolitan area stop by The Enchanted Fae.

You can also schedule crystal consultations or healing sessions from the scheduling page under the 3 - Integrated Wellness section.

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Hall, J. (2004). The crystal bible: a definitive guide to crystals. Old Alresford: Godsfield.

HealingCrystals.Com. (2013, March 16). Retrieved from

Melody. (1995). Love is in the earth: a kaleidoscope of crystals update: the reference book describing the metaphysical properties of the mineral kingdom. Wheatridge, CO: Earth-Love Pub. House.

Simmons, R., Ahsian, N., & Raven, H. (2015). The book of stones: who they are and what they teach. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.