9 Great ways to re-use coffee grounds in your home and garden

WAIT! Don't throw those used coffee grounds in trash!

Do your part for the environment and recycle them in the ways that make you happy double time!

  1. Fertilizer - You can easily create fertilizer by mixing about a 4 ounces (half a cup) of coffee grounds to one gallon of water. Let it steep overnight and then use on acid loving plants like roses and gardenias

  2. Compost - This one is easy, just throw it in the compost bin. It provides lots of nitrogen to the mix and to your plants

  3. Plant and boost seed production - Mix your carrot and radish seeds in with coffee grounds for easier sowing and to give these acid loving veggies a boost. You might even double your harvest with this trick! Try it with other seeds too.

  4. Cat repellent - Sprinkle coffee grounds in the soil to keep them from digging in your plants

  5. Clean grease - use a little bit of the grounds to those tough pots and pans to help remove grease. Make sure that you do not try this on non-stick pans as they have sensitive finishes.

  6. Remove odors from hands - After some smelly items like fish and onions and even outdoor odors you can use coffee grounds to minimize the smell. Rubbing the grounds on your hands before the soap helps to absorb odors. Add some liquid soap and now you have a DIY scrub!

  7. Deodorize the garbage disposal - instead of tossing them in trash, put them right in the disposal. You can even let them sit a bit to absorb and mask odors.

  8. Deodorize the freezer/refrigerator - Have something smelly that you found after weeks, but still can't get rid of the smell. Place a small bowl with coffee grounds in overnight. To give it an extra boost add a couple of drops of vanilla extract to the mix.

  9. Keep worms alive - Whether you use them for your garden and composting or for fishing, mixing the grounds in with the soil makes for a happy and healthy worm home!

If you have more useful ways to use coffee grounds in your home or garden, please share in the comments below!