
Mindfulness for digital overload

We are living in a time of digital excess. You are consuming this material on your digital device at this very moment. Technology is so integrated in our lives, that we find it difficult to recognize the problems that it could have on our lives. If you aren’t sure that you are experiencing digital overload, take a look at the signs below.

10 Signs of digital overload

  • Checking your digital device first thing in the morning, middle of the night and regularly while in bed

  • Checking your device while at a meal with others

  • Excusing yourself from activities with people to check email or social media

  • Bumping into someone due to inattention due to a smart phone or other device

  • Finding it difficult to complete a task without stopping to check content unrelated to the task at hand

  • Spending little time in face-to-face interactions

  • Spending your time at home with family in separate rooms interacting with screens

  • Using a digital device to keep a child/children occupied instead of interacting with them directly like reading or playing

  • Going online when you feel stressed or want to avoid an unpleasant task

  • Having a desire to reduce your “screen time,” but finding it difficult to control your internet use

If any of these items apply to you, it is likely that you have some level of digital overload. To begin to combat this process addiction consider increasing your practice of mindfulness in your daily life. Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose without judgement. Being mindful of media can provide us with insight on how we engage with technology. Once we understand how we engage, then we can begin to make different choices on how we interact with technology and media.

To support a shift in being more mindful with your media use and battling digital overload, listen to this beginning guide on how to approach media mindfully.

Joy Trigger for Chrome by Thrive Global

I read an article on Ariana Huffington and her experience making it big and at what price. I love her most recent efforts with Thrive Global and the focus on health and well-being. 

One of the steps I've taken is to install the Joy Trigger to my Chrome browser. I'm a person who typically has at least 10 windows open at the same time. Joy Trigger reminds me to slow down, take a break and think about myself and well being. 

Plus, who doesn't like cute animals? The tips are short and to the point and easy to implement. For example, this morning I attempted 10 push ups, sit up and squats. Now the tip said to do one of the 3, but I'm an over achiever!

The point is though, I stopped what I was doing and did a little bit for my health and it felt good!

If you could use a non-intrusive reminder to take care of yourself, consider adding the Joy Trigger to your browser.