Mudra Monday - Hakini

This mudra is the gesture of the Goddess Hakini. She is associated with the third eye which is the center of inner wisdom. The core quality of this mudra is integration. This mudra is helpful with:

  • Instilling a sense of wholeness and integration

  • Overall health and healing

  • Enhancing body awareness

  • Facilitating full yogic breathing


How do I practice the Hakini Mudra?

  1. Hold your hands with palms facing each other just below your breast bone and above your belly button

  2. Bring the tips of the fingers and the thumbs on each hand to gently touch the same finger on the opposite hand

  3. Allow the hands to open in a rounded shape as if holding a ball

  4. Relax your shoulders back and down.

  5. Allow your elbows to be slightly away from your body and forearms parallel to the earth

  6. Take several natural breaths

More about Hakini

Practice of this mudra supports the unfolding of wisdom in our full dimensional being. Hakini mudra brings equilibrium to both sides of the body. Balancing the masculine and feminine aspects of being and instills a sense of integration and harmony. This energy cultivated by this mudra optimizes health and healing. It balances all the elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. On a spiritual level it draws awareness to the third eye. This is the center for integration of all dimensions of our being. The globe shape of this mudra symbolizes wholeness and unity.


I experience harmony through integration everywhere in my body

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For a short guided mindful moment with Hakini mudra, listen here: Hakini

I suggest that you practice the Hakini mudra at least 2-3 times a day for at least one minute. As time permits you can increase the time up to five minutes. Share your experience throughout the week using the hashtag #MudraMonday and #MindsetStrategist on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!



Page, J. L., & Page, L. L. (2014). Mudras for Healing and Transformation (2nd ed.). Integrative Yoga Therapy.