Mudra Monday - Angushtha

The Angushtha mudra is associated with the throat chakra which represents the core quality of inner listening. It means gesture of the thumb. This mudra is helpful with:

  • Enhancing speaking and singing

  • Receiving inner guidance and being able to clearly express it in the world

  • Releasing tension from the throat, neck and shoulders

  • Supporting thyroid health


How do I practice the Angushtha Mudra?

  1. Curl all your fingers into the palm except the thumb

  2. Bring your curled hands just below your breast bone and above your belly button

  3. Bring your the tips of the thumbs together with the back of the hands facing upwards

  4. Relax your shoulders back and down.

  5. Allow your elbows to be away from your body pointing toward the sides

  6. Take several natural breaths

More about Angushtha

Practice of this mudra enhances awareness to the chest, throat and neck. The breath carries the energy to these areas to help release tension from the shoulders and neck area. This contributes to support for the cervical spine as it comes into correct alignment. This mudra also nourishes the nervous and endocrine systems and increases circulation in the area of the thyroid gland. Angushtha carries the qualities of the space element including expansion and opening to subtle energies of our being. The opening cultivates non-attachment and clear communication. The energetic movement in this area of communication also enhances our power of inner listening. This allows us to receive messages that help guide our life.


I listen to my inner voice and receive clear guidance for my life.

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For a short guided mindful moment with Angushtha mudra, listen here: Angushtha

I suggest that you practice the Angushtha mudra at least 2-3 times a day for at least one minute. As time permits you can increase the time up to five minutes. Share your experience throughout the week using the hashtag #MudraMonday and #MindsetStrategist on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!



Page, J. L., & Page, L. L. (2014). Mudras for Healing and Transformation (2nd ed.). Integrative Yoga Therapy.