Mudra Monday - Anamika

The Anamika mudra is associated with the sacral chakra which is in sync with the core quality of self-healing. It means gesture of the ring finger and is referring to the ring finger. This mudra is helpful with:

  • Facilitating self-healing

  • Moving forward away from addictions and codependency

  • Fostering healthy intimate relationships

  • Supporting the reproductive and urinary systems


How do I practice the Anamika Mudra?

  1. Hold your palms just below your breast bone and above your belly button

  2. Curl your 2nd, 3rd and pinky fingers back into your palm

  3. Gently lay your thumbs on your folder index (pointer) finger

  4. Bring your ring fingers to touch at the tip

  5. Relax your shoulders back and down.

  6. Allow your elbows to be away from your body pointing toward the sides

  7. Take several natural breaths

More about Anamika

Practice of this mudra instills a sense of coming back to ones self, our home, cultivating a sense of comfort and ease. The more we experience inner comfort we connect more to our wholeness and it increases our ability to stay centered no matter the environment or circumstances. This also serves as a foundation to healing relationships.

The sacral chakra is in the pelvic area which is represented by the water element. This mudra also supports qualities of water including flexibility and adaptability. Practice of this mudra may support the release of energy blockages caused by feelings of abandonment, addition and codependency.


I am in tune with the waves of my inner sea and nourished by waves of healing energy.

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For a short guided mindful moment with Anamika mudra, listen here: Anamika

I suggest that you practice the Anamika mudra at least 2-3 times a day for at least one minute. As time permits you can increase the time up to five minutes. Share your experience throughout the week using the hashtag #MudraMonday and #MindsetStrategist on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!



Page, J. L., & Page, L. L. (2014). Mudras for Healing and Transformation (2nd ed.). Integrative Yoga Therapy.