Hello Next Phase! - Mindful Musing and goodbye to 44

Who knew that as I entered my next revolution around the sun I would be a sage burning, crystal carrying, mindfulness meditation chick. Had someone told me this even a year ago I probably would have looked at them sideways. The truth though is elements of all of these things I've carried with me through different times in my life and now seems to be the time for them to converge and create an evolved me. I don't believe I am a new person or different from what I've been so much as I am feeling transformed.  Learning about the practice of mindfulness has given me new breath and new vision. I am thankful for it.

There is no time limit for change. There is no such thing in my mind as too late to do something different. I believe that when your spirit tells you that what you are doing isn't for you anymore that you can choose, plan and implement that change. The decision to make a change for me right now is not the first one and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Many think I’m crazy to leave a career in IT to be a mindfulness trainer and life coach, but it feels so natural and right for me.

I've learned a lot about myself and others this past year and there is so much more to learn. It has been the most challenging time in my life, but I am coming out on the other side, feeling lighter and brighter and filled with more love and purpose than I ever thought possible. Mindfulness has been the fertile ground to help me grow into this. The unknown is so exciting and what I do know I yearn to know more.

My life is not perfect. I still have some trials in my path, but I feel very certain that in this leg of my journey that what I do in this world is going to change lives for the better. I welcome what is to come with open arms and I hope to see you all as I move along the path.

Happy New Year to me!

If you are embarking on a new season or new endeavors and would like support in your process, please schedule a 30 minute free consultation call with me. I’ve been down a few paths and I would love to help you navigate yours!